Thursday, April 26, 2007

Twins > AOL = Yahoo

Copyright == Copy is Right

AOL has started beta testing a New Home Page. Cool portal…

but it is closely to Yahoo home page,

I’m looking AOLers refer to the new portal as “the Yahoo Portal”.

Internet companies like to copy things from their competitors that work, I have seen some of largest companies copying a little too much.

So everyone is copying something.... No point blaming bad. If its works why not?...

Adobe to Open Source Flex

On April 26, Adobe announced strategic plans to move the development of Flex to an open source model.

What does this mean?
Adobe is lighting its guns in the Microsoft Silverlight vs. Adobe Flash war?.... May be I'm not sure

Hmmmm! However the Real RIA WAR Started.
I have a front row Sofa to watch two multi-billion-dollar companies firing their big guns at each other.

Silverlight vs. Adobe

Till now Thank you Adobe ( Macromdia :) )! You are the BEST for RIA.
Anyway Congratulations and Good Luck Adobe!!!

Lesser Hard Disk > WEB2.0

No more words.... because WEB2.0 made it. Just see the ToonDoo Cartoon Strip saying what and why should buy lesser Hard Disk....

Forget My Computer, Hard Disk, ABC...Z Drives. Start Zooming the other world called WEB2.0
WEB2.0 The Next Way of Storing, Sharing, Commenting, Dig, Embeding...... you DATA's

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


What is SOLReader?

SOLReader is a decompiler for the .sol files used by flash to save its own cookie (the SharedObjects). It will decompile the entire file and will show you every saved variable, its class type and its value.

I can say its a another cool feature like trace. See the tool here

On XP machine the path to all the .sol file is something like this: C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\
But Note that the "Apllication Data" path name depends also on your SO language. In fact, on italian Windows XP the path is: C:\Documents and Settings\{uswrname}\Dati applicazioni\Macromedia\Flash Player This folder is hidden by default by the system too, so you need to allow hidden folder view from your OS settings.

Solreader is Written in python2.2, wxPython for the GUI.

Nice tool youich [] for help me with deserialization example

And not advisable storing security data (something like credit card number) in SOL file. :)

SharedObject Writer (test)


The next generation web experiences? Let us see.

Press Releases and news have reach the wires that Microsoft is planning to releases its new browser plugin – Silverlight; in direct challenge to the widely used browser plugin – Flash.

Microsoft says
Silverlight is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of media experiences and rich interactive applications (RIAs) for the Web.

Compelling cross-platform user experiences

* Deliver media experiences and rich interactive applications (RIA) for the Web that incorporate video, animation, interactivity, and stunning user interfaces.

* Seamless, fast installation for users, thanks to a small, on-demand, easy-to-install plug-in that is less than 2 megabyte (MB) and works with all leading browsers.

* Consistent experiences between Macintosh computers and Windows-based personal computers without any additional installation requirements.

* Create richer, more compelling Web experiences that take greater advantage of the client for increased performance.

* Stunning vector-based graphics, media, text, animation, and overlays enable seamless integration of graphics and effects into any existing Web application.

* Enhance existing standards/AJAX-based applications with richer graphics and media, and improve their performance and capabilities by using Silverlight.

Do you think Microsoft have a chance of beating Flash?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Circulate Any Documents at Scribd!
A New Way to Read your PDF, DOC, PPT, XLS, TXT

Wow! Cool place for upload a PDF, DOC, PPT, XLS, TXT, etc. to their library, where it is turned into an Adobe Flash Paper document.

Note: It will be a public document, however.

What I find really fascinating is that the text of the document can be read-aloud to the person viewing the presentation!

In addition, the user can download the document as PDF, plain text, and the read-aloud audio can be downloaded as an MP3 file! What easier way to get a document onto an audio player-- simply upload it to Scribd, download the MP3, and load it onto an iPod or other audio device!

I find this too cool for words. The ease-of-use is extraordinary!

Again Web 2.0.... I can Upload, Share, Comment... embed in blogs... Wow!

Share and Enjoy reading

Monday, April 16, 2007


Share Fintune Playlists with your friends! Put Finetune embedded players on your Blog, profile page, also dirct links to playlists on the or the Finetune Wii Player!

Social music site Finetune launched their Apollo-based desktop music player.... Want to use it? you must download and install the Apollo runtime on your Mac or PC, and then install FineTune. Links to both are here. After installation, you can run the Finetune web service on your desktop, outside of the browser.

Finetune wins flat out on design and user experience.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


ToonDoo Comic Strip Creator - Another Youtube for Cartoons

Toondoo is a new service from the Jambav where anyone can create comic strips in seconds.

Drag-n-drop the characters on the canvas, change backgrounds, add speech bubbles or even upload your own pictures. Everything is packed inside a very intuitive Flash UI that even a I think Three Year old can get started in minutes.

Yes It's cool Web2.0 site for professional and non-professional cartoonist.
Like SlideShare, Youtube videos, users can rate and comment on your cartoons or embed them in blogs.

With ToonDoo comic creator in town, professional cartoon artists may soon feel the heat.

But is a web based version and you can’t do quite as much with it. the possibilities for teaching are huge. Not only to encourage children to write creatively but also to help teachers develop different visual resources.

One of favorite ToonDoo is (so funny)