Monday, May 28, 2007

Picnik Online Photo Editors

Uploading a photo, editing it and then downloading it back to your hard drive too painful job. To compensate for this, most services allow you to transfer the edited photos directly to Flickr, Webshots or other online photo services.

Picnik is a user friendly service. and Its fast, simple, easy to use and comes complete with built in support for Flickr, Picassa Albums and Facebook albums. Its completely Flash Front end.

There are few online services also offer editing tools that go beyond simple rotation, resizing and cropping and start to creep into Photoshop.


Its a Flash-based Editor and layer-based online tool. It's really good example of flash can do a such application's like this.


Picture2life is an Ajax based photo editor. It’s focused on grabbing and editing images. You can transferred your photo to Flickr, 23 and Imageshack after editing.


Its a Flickr-specific tool that uses the Flickr API, even for account sign-in. The service includes basic cropping, sharpening, color correction and other tools to enhance images.


Its the best of the Ajax based editors and has a great user interface with the main features highlighted on large icons. The basic “enhance” feature does a very good job of fixing the obvious problems with pictures. Edited photos can be transferred to Flickr or Webshots’ AllYouCanUpload service.


Snipshot, previously called Pixoh, is also Ajax-based editing tool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, they are really cool services. Another site like this is - funny pictures - they make a new effect every day!