Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wake up

Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Are you looking FREE tools?

  1. Easy-to-use and secure Internet browser? Firefox
  2. e-Mail system? Gmail
  3. Social bookmarking tool?
  4. Online RSS reader? Google Reader
  5. Online Calendar? Google Calendar
  6. Online suite of office tools? ZOHO Google Docs
  7. Tool to create comics and cartoons? TOONDOO
  8. Learning Activity Management System? LAMS
  9. Collaboration tool? Connect with Ning
  10. Social Networking tool? Tricky one! Facebook
  11. Content authoring tool? eXe - eLearning XHTML editor
  12. Screencasting (recording) tool? Wink
  13. Hosted screencasting tool? Jing
  14. Audio recording tool? Audacity
  15. Tool to host my audio recordings? Odeo
  16. Virtual Classroom? DimDim
  17. Hosted Virtual Classroom? WiZiQ
  18. Videoconferencing chat service? Vawkr
  19. Tool to make calls from my computer? Skype
  20. Online Quiz tool? ClassMarker
  21. Online polling tool with a bit of fizzle? Polldaddy
  22. Online survey tool? Click here to choose!
  23. Tool to broadcast myself to the world? USTREAM
  24. Tool to edit your photo? PhotoShop
  25. Wiki tool? PBwiki
  26. Blogging tool? WordPress! Why aren't you using WordPress? Good Question!
  27. Microblogging tool? Twitter
  28. Tool to share my slides? Too easy man! SlideShare
  29. Tool to share my videos? Come on! YouTube
  30. Tool to download videos from any video sharing site (YouTube, Metacafe, etc.)? ClipNabber
  31. Tool to share my pictures? Are you joking! Flickr
  32. Tool to create flowcharts, diagrams, technical drawings? Gliffy
  33. Tool to create cool personalized images? Custom Sign Generator Widgets
  34. Hosted LMS? Here are SEVEN!
  35. Image Resizer? Dosize
  36. Metasearch engine with visual display interfaces? What! Here is KartOO!
  37. Watermarking tool? uMark
  38. Screen Color Picker? ColorSchemer
  39. Tool to make screenshots from different browsers with one click? Browsershots
  40. File hosting solution that allows me to share files up to 250MB each? FileCrunch
  41. Online visual dictionary and thesaurus? Visuwords
  42. Mindmapping tool? FreeMind
  43. Interactive 3D business simulator? INNOV8
  44. Tool to create Flash games (templates)?
  45. Self-publishing tool (books, papers, articles, etc)? Scribd
  46. Tool to improve my typing skills? Peter's Online Typing Course
  47. Gaming tool to help me learn ICT?
  48. Tool to highlight text in a webpage? The Awesome Highlighter
  49. Tool to aggregate all my resources, mail, RSS feeds, etc, in one place? iGoogle
  50. Learning Management System (LMS)? Easy, Moodle
YEAH! Looking more? Please go to the Orginal post.
Thanks dear Zaid Ali Alsagoff :)